WordPress Custom Author Page (author-x.php)

December 18, 2009

It was recently asked in a newsgroup how to make the WordPress author function like the wordpress category page. The format of the category page is category-x.php. Replace the x with the category ID you would like a custom page for (e.g. category-14.php) and when browsing category x the custom page category-x.php is processed instead of category.php.

In my research, I didn’t see a previously implemented way to do this with author.php, so I came up with these modifications to the author.php page:

global $wp_query;
$curauth = $wp_query->get_queried_object();

    //Default author page

The idea here is to have author.php check to see if author-x.php exists. If it does, include that file. If not, process the default author.php in the else condition.

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