COVID-19 Our Response

fjorge is committed to supporting our employees and their families, agency partners, clients, and the greater community as we all work to navigate the COVID‑19 crisis together.


fjorge’s offices are currently closed and we are all working from home until we receive the all clear. We are a team of technologists and have quickly established processes to maintain our high level of quality and project security no matter where we’re working from. Our core values are guiding us, now more than ever, as we continue to build great things together and operate at full capacity. We are here to answer any questions and help you navigate through this time of uncertainty.


As the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold we will be updating this page with tips, best practices, and resources for navigating these unusual times. Please contact with any questions, comments or suggestions.



Ensure uptime with a security checkup

Website security can be a tricky subject because there’s really no “ceiling” in terms of what can be done. Part of the trick is making sure you have measures in place, without going too far overboard given the size and function of your site. The first thing to know is that there are two different types of website security and two different places that security measures can be taken.

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Tips from Keeley to Improve Site Speed

A frequent request type that comes to our CMS Managed Services department is a general concern about site speed. Here are a few tips you can do through the CMS to enhance your site speed without the help of a developer, plus a few requests you can make of your development partner to get you to the next level for optimized site speed.

Read full post.

Make your site accessible to all

Web accessibility compliance can be a confusing world to get started in. There are a ton of acronyms: W3C, WCAG 2.0, WCAG 2.1, ADA compliance, AA certified, 508 compliance, etc. But what do these all mean?

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Find ways to engage while at a distance

Our team communicates a lot via Slack, so when Biz Cooke asked how people’s WFH setups were evolving lots of fjorgers responded with photos. We made a quick video from these photos and shared it here on LinkedIn to show our partners and community that we’re making the best of this tough situation.

In addition to fun WFH setups, our team is leaning into our existing distributed collaboration toolset (G-Drive, Jira, Basecamp, Hubspot, etc) to keep business continuity smooth. Our regular standups, as well as L10 and Quarterly meetings, have all taken place virtually with just a few guest-appearances from kiddos and family pets. It’s been a good chance for our team and partners to get to know each other in a new way, and identify where virtual meetings can be preferable to in-person.

Watch the video here.