List Contacts from Highrise

October 5, 2009

Pull your contacts from highrise. Use this and the last post to do a one or two-way sync. More to come on this.

$highrise_url = ''; // your highrise url, e.g.
$api_token = ''; // your highrise api token; can be found under My Info
$task_assignee_user_id = ''; // user id of the highrise user who gets the task assigned

$curl = curl_init($highrise_url.'/people.xml');
curl_setopt($curl,CURLOPT_USERPWD,$api_token.':x'); //Username (api token, fake password as per Highrise api)


$xml = curl_exec($curl);

//Parse XML
$people = simplexml_load_string($xml);


foreach ($people->person as $person )
	echo "Name: ".$person->{'first-name'}.' '.$person->{'last-name'}."\n";
	echo "Emails: \n";
	foreach($person->{'contact-data'}->{'email-addresses'} as $email)
		echo $email->{'email-address'}->address."\n";
	echo "Phone Numbers: \n";
	foreach($person->{'contact-data'}->{'phone-numbers'} as $phone)
		echo $phone->{'phone-number'}->number."\n";
	echo "=================\n";
return $id;

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